Training courses for individual & teams
EVOLVE training division provides current, progressive, training courses for “at-height” activities where there is a potential risk of a fall from height. Currently our trainers provide on-site, specific training or specialized, custom, courses in Golden, BC. Contact for further custom training details
Tower Climber 1 / Rescue 1
- Designed for new or experienced tower workers. Primarily focused on the
fundamentals of safe work-at-height, fall protection, hazard assessment, risk
analysis, overview of standards, regulations (provincial & federal), fall protection
planning, job safety analysis and the importance of rescue plans. Lesson plans
integrate the STAC training guidelines. - 3 days including 1 day assessment – 24 hrs
Tower Climber 2 / Rescue 2
Prerequisite: Climber 1 or equivalent experience
- This course goes more in-depth into work positioning systems, PPE, rigging
scenarios, and more advanced rescue training – accompanied and un-
accompanied rescue scenarios/on-site team rescue/ERP/rigging and hauling
fundamentals - Course integrates core fundamentals of rope access and work-at-height principles that are adapted to the tower structure climbing work environment
- Structured off the STAC training guidelines
- 4 days including 1 day assessment – 32 hrs
fall protection
Fall Protection Fundamental
General Industry/Construction foundation training: 50/50 – Practical/Theory
- Industry compliant OH&S – Provincial and federal regulations & standards
- PPE selection, use, and equipment standards
- Understanding and implementing the fall protection hierarchy process, hazard
assessment, risk analysis and application - Work positioning and rescue overview
- 16 hrs/including 2 hr – assessment/certificate
Work at Height Fundamental
Team/group fall protection and rescue: 80/20 Practical/Theory
Prerequisite: completion Fall Protection Fundamentals or equivalent
- WAH fall protection and work positioning training – controlled descent with a separate fall arrest, backup device
- Part 2: Partner rescue – pick off/accompanied & unaccompanied rescue training scenarios
- Rigging skills
- 24 hrs/plus 8 hr – assessment/certificate
Work-at-Height – Rope Access SPRAT Certification All Levels
Rope access provides a safe, cost-effective and efficient means of accessing structures, geological features and many inaccessible areas to conduct a multitude of work-at-height activities. Please contact for further details. Program is currently in-development. 32-40 hr course depending on group and needs plus a one-day evaluation/certification.
Petzl PPE Competent Person Inspection
This course covers personal protective equipment (PPE) for work at height. Focusing on proper selection, use, inspection, and management of a range of life safety equipment. This course is intended for end users, supervisors, regulators and those responsible for PPE inspection and management. Highlights of the course include:
- Hazard assessment, risk analysis and management and decision making to properly select, seek training and use fall protection PPE
- Potential hazards associated with the use of PPE for protection against falls from height
- Provincial and federal governmental regulatory requirements regarding the selection and management of PPE
- General principles and uses of PPE
- Employer and PPE inspector responsibilities
- Understanding a manufacturer’s technical notice and instructions for use
- Principal actions of the examiner: maintenance, returns under warranty, removal of products from service, etc.
- Petzl PPE examination protocol
- Pre-use checks, visual, tactile and function inspection
- Thorough examinations and assessment of the usage, damage and material loss
- Review of the criteria for removal from service
- Inspection reporting
- PPE management systems